Scope Of Macros

If not defined other way, macros run (can be started using defined trigger) in any application (window).  However, there is also ability to define certain windows where macro can run.  When such a defined window is active, user can use macro trigger to start the macro.  If other window is active the trigger simply doesn't take any affect and macro is not started.  This feature can be used to:

1. For different applications, create different macros that all use the same trigger.  (From the user's point of view, the macros, for example,  will do the same thing but macro for each application will be programmed different way.)

2. Create macro that works only in specific application(s) while the trigger doesn't take effect in other applications.

There are two levels where it is possible to define macro's specific windows:

1. Macro - the scope can be defined individually for each macro in macro definition area, in "Scope" tab.

2. Group - the scope can be defined for whole macro group in the "Group settings" dialog box, in "Scope" tab.

Each specific window is identified by four parameters.  It is not necessary to define all of them if it is not necessary.

Main window title: It is title of the application's main window.  It is possible to use just partial text (for example, if "Notepad" is used instead of "Untitled - Notepad" all Notepad windows match this identification).  After user retrieves the window title using "Retrieve" button, it is possible to adjust it by editing in the edit box.

Main window class:  The window class is something that is hidden to user.  Window class can be considered as a "type" of the window.  (For example, all Internet Explorer windows have the same window class although each window has different window title.) 

Child window title: This parameter allows user to specify a certain dialog box, toolbox or document window within an application.  For example, if "Main window title" and "Main window class" are empty and "Child window title" is define to be "Find" then this identification matches find dialog boxes in all applications (MS Word, Notepad, Internet Explorer, etc.)

Child window class: This is similar as in the "Main window class".  Just this class name is used to identify dialog box, toolbox or document window and not main window.